Our seniors depend on volunteers like Toby. Your donation keeps him in action.
More and more seniors are calling Faith In Action for help. We need your support to keep up with the demand!

Williamsburg Faith In Action has been faithfully serving Williamsburg area seniors since 2002. This year has been busy! Everyday our phones are ringing with requests for help. Our seniors need rides to important medical appointments like chemotherapy, infusions, and dialysis. They need food from the food pantry or rides to their bank to pay for living expenses. Many seniors feel lonely and isolated. Our devoted volunteers like Toby are here for them. But our seniors still need your help! Toby is one of 140 volunteers serving more than 320 seniors and the demand is rising quickly! Your support will help recruit and train more volunteers, expand programs, and reach more seniors with life-changing access to their community. Here's what Toby, a volunteer since 2005, had to say:
"In the nearly 20 years of volunteering with Faith in Action, I would estimate I have responded to well over 1000 needs. Very few of them were not a great need for the situation of the care receiver. Every care receiver I’ve worked with is effusively grateful for the help, support, and understanding. Things that seem insignificant in my world can be huge for a senior who lives alone. Living without transportation, a non-working light; having a hole in a floor allowing rodents to visit without an invitation, or living without sight to read/respond to mail... It must be very scary, Sure, transportation and food deliveries are big ticket items, but yardwork, home repairs, putting up bird houses, cleaning, conversation, empathy, grief support, along with many I am not remembering are all on the menu."
"Losing the convenience of being able to drive can be devastating and dangerous. The importance of a little support is just so obvious from the sincere, heartfelt appreciation caregivers have for simple acts of helping."